I was intrigued by the rise of
meaningful personal data and the role it will play when we die.
After death these digital memories
gain soul and I felt that they are not different from old love letters
or photo albums from our grandparents that we find in the attic.
The one thing these memories could
use are a vessel, something they live in, visibly and tangibly in our
homes which represent the digital legacy of a loved one. Preferably
more beautiful and worthy than the temporary, ugly and random hard drive
we usually use to store our data on.
What is your
favourite thing about working on the project?
Interviewing people about how they
remember their loved ones and through that building up an understanding
of how we use time, place and objects as markers for our mourning. This is
a timeless behaviour and it also applies to the digital age. It is
exciting to try and apply these kinds of universal or archetypical
behaviours to phenomena in the present which haven't fully evolved yet.
As a designer,
what is your least favourite thing about digital technology?
That it's intangible.
What excites
you most about working as a designer?
Walking the line between uncertainty
and certainty.
What are you
working on at the moment?
Something completely different: a
series of foldable illustrations that unfold the same story in
different ways.
What do you
have on your desk?
Chaos, while I work during the day
and nothing at the end of the day. I have found that clearing my desk
is really important for ending and starting work.
What’s the
soundtrack to your studio?
Beautiful silence :)
What would be
your ideal project?
A project where I can let go and
step out of the way of its natural flow... meaning that there is a lot
of time. Time to research, get hooked, experiment, fail, pause and discuss
and exchange with people. I think this kind of process happens while at
the same time working on other, more linear and focused things.
Michele's digital remain project is currently being exhibited at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland as part of the Northern Design Festival.